Friday, August 5, 2011

Crazy Camp Week!

After posting all about Chinese Language Camp and Tulsa Heritage Camp, I bet you think all we do is heritage/adoption camps all summer long!  Couldn't be further from the truth. . . .

This week I lived the phrase, "I met myself coming and going!"  In a stroke of real idiocy I signed two girls up for three camps this week.  Maya did an all-day music camp, and Zoe did a morning math camp and afternoon tennis camp.  Our schedule went something like this:  drop Maya off at music camp at 9 a.m., take Zoe at 10 a.m. to math camp, pick up Zoe at noon, take Zoe to tennis camp at 1:30, pick her up at 3,  pick up Maya at music camp at 5, come home and collapse!

Maya loved music camp, where they practiced to put on the musical, Life of the Party: the Story of Mary and Martha (what did you expect, Rent?! It was at St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church!). Not only did Maya have a great time, but I think it was really good for her to have something to do that didn't involve Zoe (and vice versa for that matter).

Zoe's morning math camp has been fun, too.  She especially likes that they get to play chess.  One of her best friends is also doing the camp, which is a real bonus.  And her reward for doing math camp was tennis camp! 

It was a beginner camp, since she's never played before.  She loved it, and wants to continue.  How we're going to manage that with everything else we do during the school year, I have no idea.  But we'll work on it. Looks like it's shaping up to be a crazy year. . . .

Well, at least camping season is over -- the girls actually start school NEXT WEEK.  Talk about crazy!


Mama C/Catherine said...

I love the expression "met myself coming and going". So great to see the pictures. Tennis is a great sport to learn--super summer indeed. I just read eight or ten posts, and feel so continuously grateful for your amazing research, reflection and voice.

No Bamboozle said...

Cute, and looks like fun. Love the haircuts.