Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Citizenship for ALL U.S. Intercountry Adoptees

There's a petition at Change.org asking Congress to fill the gap left in the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 that has led to the deportation of international adoptees whose parents have failed to take the required steps for them to receive citizenship:
"The Child Citizenship Act of 2000 allows certain foreign-born, biological and adopted children of American citizens to acquire American citizenship automatically. These children did not acquire American citizenship at birth, but they are granted citizenship when they enter the United States as lawful permanent residents (LPRs)." U.S. Department of State

One of the requirements of the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 (CCA 2000) was that the adoptee be under the age of 18 on its effective date, February 27, 2001. International adoptees 18 and older were not granted citizenship under its provisions. Some, but not all, obtained citizenship through their own efforts or those of their adoptive parents. Of those who did not, many were unaware that they lacked this legal protection. Being without citizenship while believing they possessed it placed these intercountry adoptees at risk of violating U.S Federal law through no fault of their own by representing themselves as citizens upon return to the United States at any port of entry (including Canada and Mexico), applying for public benefits (including Federal education aid), or voting in Federal or other elections.

Further, strict immigration policies under the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 increased the risk of deportation. This law does not provide for “discretionary relief,” which would allow the unique circumstances that led to an adoptee's lack of citizenship to be taken into consideration in determining outcomes. Adoptees have faced deportation and have been deported to countries in Asia, Latin America and Europe - countries unknown to them in every way: language, culture, family or friends. Additionally, adoptees without citizenship who travel to their countries of birth may be subject to laws there that prevent their return to the United States.
My children benefitted from the automatic citizenship provisions of the Child Citizenship Act.  Shouldn't all international adoptees have the same benefit?  Why would we visit the sins of the parents (failure to acquire citizenship for their children) on those unwitting children?

For the sake of Joao Herbert, Matthew ShererJohn Gaul, Tara Ammons Cohen, Tatiana Mitrohina, Jennifer Haynes, Seo, and many, many more, including those unnamed and unknown -- please sign the petition and share it with your friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

out of curiosity, why are parents not doing this immediately upon completing the adoption?