Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Illinois, Catholic Agencies At Odds Over Gay Adoptions

Not a new story, but NPR does a good job of summarizing the positions in the squabbles between Catholic Charities and the state of Illinois over gay adoption -- Catholic Charities wants to keep getting state money to discriminate against gay and lesbian couples, and that's illegal under Illinois law!  Click here to listen to and/or read the story (there's more in the oral report than the written report).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am not a fan of CC - they actively lobby against all adoptee rights bills and their history does not show well for them in regards to adoption - not at all.

Another agency has filled the gap and rightly so. You cannot have your cake and eat it too when it comes to federal funds.


I read a book written (I think by a Catholic priest from searching his name) way back in the 30's about how they saw how much money they could make from the state taking in foundlings, etc - things have not changed. Check out the guidestar reports on Rockford Ill CC and you will just how "valuable" it really is to them.