Monday, September 21, 2009

The Great [Adoption] Back-To-School Kit

From Adoptive Families, 17 simple and effective ways to bring adoption into the classroom:
1 Write a letter to your child’s teacher [about adoption].
2 Read an adoption storybook to the class during story time.
3 Give an adoption presentation in first or second grade.
4 Educate other parents.
5 Suggest a community service project around National Adoption Day.
6 Parental involvement is often the key to a successful school year.
7 Introduce the topic of racial differences in people around the world.
8 Help teachers rethink sticky assignments.
9 Arm your child with answers to questions she may be asked in class or on the playground.
10 Celebrate your child’s adoption day at school.
11 Place adoption in the broader context of nontraditional families.
12 Teach the teachers.
13 [P]resenting adoption to 10-year-olds. . . .
14 Help the teacher blend adoption into the curriculum.
15 Give the teacher ready-made answers for common classroom adoption questions.
16 Donate a packet of educator materials to the school.
17 Celebrate the many cultures of the world.
Some great points, more details under each number, and links to even more in some of the 17 categories. I've done some of these, might do others, wouldn't do some on a bet (!). Still, great food for thought.

Even though school has already started for us, it's not too late to talk to teachers about ways to deal with adoption at school.


Kymmie Gentry-Peck said...

Interesting number 17: what exactly in terms of educator materials swould you suggest to donate? Have you come across and adoption educator kit for teachers?

Kymmie Gentry-Peck said...

Sorry- I meant 16