Monday, May 3, 2010

AdoptionTalk on Facebook

I've started something new -- a facebook page for AdoptionTalk!  I hope it will make it easier for folks to follow the blog, and I hope it will be quite interactive -- so easy to make a comment there. You can also introduce topics you want the group to talk about!

I see it as sort of "quick and dirty" blogging.  I can throw up a link or a thought or a question without much effort, sometimes things I'll blog about in more depth later and sometimes things I'd probably never do a full blog post on. And I expect I'll get lots of great ideas from you that I can blog about -- a lovely symbiotic relationship!

So join AdoptionTalk on facebook and share your thoughts on adoption, birthparents, abandonment, race, adoptive parenting, China. etc.!

1 comment:

  1. Neat! I signed up. I've been lurking. :)
